Realme today launched the Realme 5 Pro and the Realme 5 in India. At the launch event Realme announced the name of the 64MP phone that the company has been working for a while. Dubbed as the Realme XT, Realme India head Madhav Sheth hinted its launch sometime in September by referencing to the popular song ‘Wake Me Up When September Ends’ by Green Day.
Realme showcased the 64MP camera technology earlier this month. The Realme XT will come with a vertically arranged quad-camera setup. It will consist of Samsung’s latest 64MP ISOCELL Bright GW1 sensor. The sensor is expected to capture better photos with superb details and color accuracy.
The latest Samsung sensor features the Isocell Plus and Tetracell technologies that produce brighter low-light images. It does so by pixel binning technology which is merging four pixels into one. Both Realme and Redmi is in a race to launch the 64MP sensor. While Redmi is also teasing the Redmi Note 8 with a 64MP since the past few days, we expect the Realme XT to become the first 64MP camera in the Indian market.
The teaser images don’t show any rear-mounted fingerprint sensor. So we can expect it to have an in-display fingerprint sensor with an AMOLED display. The handset is expected to be powered by a Snapdragon 700-series chipset and a massive battery. It will likely to run ColorOS 6.0 on top of Android 9 Pie.
Seth said at the launch event that the Realme XT will be the “complete expert” in its price segment. However, he didn’t mention the exact launch date of the smartphone. He did say “All I can say right now about this phone is Quad me up when the September Ends”. The company earlier said in a social media post that its goal is to make a camera with the highest resolution in the market. It looks like it is about to be reality soon.