Resident Evil 3 is a survival horror game produced and launched by Capcom. It is a reboot of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis which follows Jill Valentine and Carlos Oliveira. As they try to escape the zombie apocalypse while pursuing the sophisticated bioweapon Nemesis.
It was introduced on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on April 3rd, 2020. It was also released alongside the online multiplayer game Resident Evil: Resistance.
The game received generally positive feedback praised for its visuals, design, and gameplay. It was criticized for its limited range, speed, and lack of features in the original title. Over two million copies of the game were shipped within a week of release.
Resident Evil 3 reviews from readers were mainly favorable but less favorable than the Resident Evil 2 reviews. Part of what disappoints Resident Evil 3 is its relative lack of replayability compared to other games in the franchise.
Its gameplay is enjoyable, its characters are good, and its plot is exciting. But the decision of Resident Evil 3 to allow Carlos more playtime than the original game ends up destroying the momentum of his advancing program.
Resident Evil 3 never offers you a chance to immerse yourself in something until it quickens you to beat the next plot. There’s nothing wrong with a fast game. But the pace here seems like you’re hurriedly shoving to the next position just when you’re beginning to get comfortable.
Resident Evil 3 introduces a 4v1 multiplayer game named Resistance. Where a squad of players is dominated by a ‘mastermind’ who puts traps and other obstacles in their way.
Resident Evil 3 is a fun, well-made game that takes up to date one of the less-heralded entries of the franchise. Yet nearly all it does well as part of Resident Evil 2 as well, and much of the game’s strengths are no longer there. Overall, the kit is far less appealing. It’s more of an extension of two than a brand new title. It doesn’t mean it’s not worth playing.
It’s all fun to be played every day, but some of the features of the unchangeable series of circumstances will inevitably become racketeering.
Whether you’re a lifelong fan or new to the Resident Evil show, I assure you that recent remakes are worth purchasing, particularly for the remixed storyline.