Ridley Scott has contributed a lot towards the Alien Franchise! He has directed 2 movies of the prequel series: Prometheus(2012) and Alien: Covenant(2017). Scott has ideas for more movies in the series and they are pretty wild! He gave an interview with The L.A. Times about the 1979 Alien and the entire franchise. Here’s what Ridley Scott said:
“I still think there’s a lot of mileage in Alien, but I think you’ll have to now re-evolve. What I always thought when I was making it, the first one, why would a creature like this be made and why was it travelling in what I always thought was a kind of war-craft, which was carrying a cargo of these eggs. What was the purpose of the vehicle and what was the purpose of the eggs? That’s the thing to question-who, why, and for what purpose is the next idea, I think.”
Ridley Scott always planned to complete the trilogy in the prequel series. He wanted to do a third film which could be titled ‘Alien: Awakening’ according to reports.
What Could Be The Possible Story For Ridley Scott’s Third Movie?
Sources stated that the third movie could focus on David(played by Michael Fassbinder) and the engineers who survived the attempt to dispatch the species to LV-426’s empty landscapes. Scott wanted the third movie to focus on 1979’s Alien! He wants to bring the past and future of the Franchise to the same space. Scott’s ideas are certainly pretty wild and crazy! But this leads us to one major question, ‘Will Disney approve of Ridley Scott’s ideas?’ Scott once said, “I think if I’m going to do a science fiction, I’m going to go down a new path that I want to do.” He sure is living up to his words with these ideas!
Only time will tell if his ideas are implemented or not. What do you think of Scott’s ideas? Do you think Disney will give him the green signal? Do you want to see a third movie based on this?
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