The Rising Of The Shield Hero is a Japanese light novel series which has been adapted into an anime television series, produced by Kinema Citrus. The series is directed by Takao Abo, with Keigo Koyanagi on the series composition, Masahiro Suwa designing the characters and Kevin Penkin composing the music. The first season of the show aired from January to June in 2019 and a second season has been announced!
Source: Wallpaper Abyss
Rising Of The Shield Hero Season 2: Release Date
Many sources have said that the new season of this widely loved series will be released in 2020. Considering the current global situation though, the release date might be further extended to 2021.
The Cast
The characters Naofumi Iwatani(Billy Kametz), Filo(Brianna Knickerbocker), and Raphtalia (Erica Mendez) are said to be retained. There may be new antagonists and other new additions for season 2!
Rising Of The Shield Hero: Plot
Naofumi Iwatani was summoned into a parallel world along with three other young men to become Cardinal heroes and fight against hordes of inter-dimensional monsters called Waves. Naofumi receives the Legendary Shield, his sole defensive equipment. The other heroes have the support of the kingdom whereas Naofumi is left all alone. The story then revolves around how he trains to be a hero and also shows the growth of Raphtalia and Filo into powerful warriors. Through his heroic acts, he gains the trust of the people. He then works with his companions and saves the world!
Naofumi is not just your ordinary ‘anime’ character, there are a lot of life lessons one can learn from him. Even though he is bullied and misunderstood, he never gave up. He always put protecting others as his priority. He was always true to himself. The bullying only made him a stronger person. He made the words his power and used that to prove his innocence. Similarly in life, if we ever hit a low we can either choose to make that our power or choose to mull over it!