Samsung launched the A-series smartphones Galaxy A10, Galaxy A30, and Galaxy A50 earlier this month in India. That said, it now plans to launch three new A-series models, the Samsung Galaxy A40, Galaxy A90, and the Galaxy A20e. The three smartphones were all listed on the company’s UK website, but they are blank and have no information.
Samsung’s own internet presence is reputed for leaking new products and this time it is no different. The pages will be updated later with information, but the title and URL leaves no room for interpretation.
Samsung Galaxy A90
The Samsung Galaxy A90 smartphone has been subjected to multiple leaks before. A recent one revealed the phone will not be exclusive to China in spite of the rumors in the air. The handset also recently appeared in the FCC certification with model number SM-A405FN/DS. The smartphone is rumored to feature a pop-up camera along with rotating camera technology. It is speculated to be powered by Exynos 7885 SoC paired with 4GB RAM and run on Android Pie out of the box.
Samsung Galaxy A20e
Moving further, the Samsung Galaxy A20e might be a variant of the Galaxy A20. It will be the first A-series device from the company to utilize the “e” moniker. The device was spotted earlier with model number SM-A202F and might be a trimmed down version of the Galaxy A20. The handset will likely hit the global markets later this spring.
Samsung Galaxy A40
Finally, the Samsung Galaxy A40 was also listed along with the other two. It appeared earlier on Samsung’s German website a couple of weeks before, so it should not be a surprise if it is launched in the UK. Samsung is yet to give an official launch date, but it should be around the corner considering the company has already started testing the product page on its website.