The Oppenheim group is coming to screens with a spin-off series of their infamous reality series Selling Sunset. As the upcoming show follows, Selling the OC will witness a novel group of realtors contending against each other with the goal of establishing themselves in the face of pressure and competition that can be rather too much for some. Keep reading to know more.
Selling the OC: Plot and Cast
The Oppenheim Group has now expanded its territory incorporating Newport Beach which now is their second office. With their lavishly stunning new office, the upcoming series is set to feature both men and women realtors in considerable numbers, who are supposedly having no filters and speak their minds out loud no matter what. The juicy drama season builds on rumors and more rumors, with the oh-so major one being that agent Alexandra Rose slept with a developer to bag a listing. The heat just starts to rise as friendships begin to end, relationships and marriages certainly elevate into a drama as agents put up tough competition to prove themselves. As it seems, Jason has his hopes high with the fresh castmates. Now, whether they are able to live up to such expectations of his or will they perish while living up to the pressures of the competitive environment, is something the show will slowly unveil.
Selling the OC comprises a cast that includes Jason Oppenheim, Brett Oppenheim, Tyler Stanaland, Alexandra Rose, Polly Brindle, Kayla Carmona, Sean Palmieri, Gio Helou, Alexander Jarvis, Alexandra Hall, Austin Victoria, Lauren Brito, and Brandi Marshall. Chrishell Stause’s presence in the show is not yet confirmed. At this point, it’s pure speculation and nothing can be said with absolute surety.
Selling the OC: Release Date
Selling the OC airs on August 24, 2022, on Netflix.