Created by Jared Keeso, Shoresy is a Canadian television comedy series. Shoresy is a spinoff of Letterkenny, the series focuses on the titular character of Shoresy as he moves to Sudbury to take a role with a struggling Triple A-level ice hockey team, the Sudbury Bulldogs. The executive producers of the show include Jared Keeso, Jacob Tierney, Mark Montefiore, and Kara Haflidson. Bell Media, WildBrain Studios, and Play Fun Games Pictures are the production companies involved with the show. The first season debuted in 2022 and later got renewed for a second season.
So, when the second season is coming out? Who has been cast in the key characters? What is the storyline? Is there any trailer available for the second season? Keep reading to know the further details.
Shoresy Season 2 Plot and Cast
The present season will continue into the following one. Shoresy has a plan in mind when he finds his audience and wants to stick with his group. The team lost all of its games, but they still have a chance to win if they continue to play aggressively and play according to their game plan.
Coming to the cast members, it includes Jared Keeso as “Shoresy” Shore, Harlan Blayne Kytwayhat as Sanguinet, Keilani Rose as Miigwan, Tasya Teles as Nat, Blair Lamora as Ziigwan, Terry Ryan as Ted Hitchcock, Ryan McDonell as Mark Michaels, Andrew Antsanen as Brant, Camille Sullivan as Laura Mohr, and many more are there.
Shoresy Season 2 Release Date
The first season of the show was released on May 13, 2022, and concluded on May 27, 2022. The first season consisted of six episodes in total.
The makers have renewed Shoresy for a second season in January 2023. However, the developers have not revealed any specific release date for the second season yet.
Shoresy Season 2 Trailer
As of the article writing, there is no trailer available for the second season as it was recently got renewed. Until then, you can watch out for the trailer for the first season below: