Created by Brett Goldstein, Bill Lawrence, and Jason Segel, Shrinking is an American comedy-drama television series. The executive producers of the show include Bill Lawrence, Jason Segel, Brett Goldstein, Neil Goldman, Jeff Ingold, Liza Katzer, James Ponsoldt, and Randall Keenan Winston. 3 Chance Productions, Corporate Mandate, Doozer Productions, and Warner Bros. Television are the production companies involved with the show.
The show debuted in January 2023 and has been renewed for a second season already. The second season is soon coming on Apple TV+.
So, when the second season is coming out? Which cast members are expected to come back for the upcoming season? What is the main storyline? Is there any trailer or teaser available for the second season? Keep reading to know the upcoming season.
Shrinking Plot and Cast
The basic premise of the show focuses on a therapist, named Jimmy Laird, who is dealing with severe grief and begins to breach ethical barriers by telling his patients what he completely thinks, resulting in massive changes to his and their lives.
Coming to the upcoming cast lineup, we can expect Jason Segel as Jimmy Laird, Luke Tennie as Sean, Jessica Williams as Gaby, Michael Urie as Brian, Christa Miller as Liz, Lukita Maxwell as Alice, Harrison Ford as Dr. Paul Rhoades, Ted McGinley as Derek, Heidi Gardner as Grace, Devin Kawaoka as Charlie, and more.
Shrinking Season 2 Release Date and Where To Watch
The first season was released on January 27, 2023, and still running., while the show has been renewed for a second season already. However, the developers have yet to disclose the release date and other details.
The first season consisted of nine episodes in total so we can expect the second season to have the same number of episodes. The run time of each episode and other details are expected to come out in a few months. The first season of the show was released on Apple TV+. Shrinking Season 2 is also going to air on the same platform.
Shrinking Season 2 Trailer
The trailer for Shrinking Season 2 is currently unavailable.