Smiling Friends is an American animated black comedy television series, released on Adult Swim on April 1, 2020. Even though it received a mixed response from critics, it was praised by the audience.
Created by Zach Hadel and Michael Cusack the series was renewed for a second season on February 9, 2022, for Adult Swim.
So, when is season two releasing? What is the plot? Who will play the lead roles? Keep reading to know more details.
Smiling Friends season 2 Release Date
The released date of the second season of the series has not been announced yet. For now, we can expect it to release sometime towards the end of 2022.
The new season is expected to have eight episodes like Season 1 and the runtime might remain the same. Further details are yet to be revealed by the makers.
Smiling Friends season 2 Plot and Cast
As Charlie and Pim strive to aid people and animals suffering from various problems, Season 1 recounts their exploits. They encounter characters like Mr. Frog, Enchantress, and Ketchup Packet on their adventures.
Smormu will soon become the fifth Smiling Friend, joining Charlie, Pim, and the others. After the season, a competing organization appears near Smiling Friends Inc., increasing friction. When Charlie dies, he travels to Hell to cheer up Satan, despondent after being crushed beneath a tree by a truck.
Season 2 may focus on Charlie’s future if given the go-light by the network. Smiling Friends Inc. and the Boss may face off against one other in the future.
In addition, we anticipate that a future second edition will satirically address additional current topics. First-season topics include “cancel culture,” “mental health,” and “rigid ideas,” to name a few. New characters entering the ‘Smiling Friends’ universe aren’t out of the question either.
Now, talking about the cast, it features Michael Cusack (as Pim, Alan, Pim’s Sister, Pim’s Father, Pim’s Mother, Mr. Frog, Grim, Ketchup Packet, and The Witch), Marc M. (as The Boss), and Chris O’Neill (as The Witch) (as Auditioning Father and Smormu).
Smiling Friends season 2 Trailer
The trailer for the second season has been not released yet. For now, you can watch the trailer of Season 1 below: