American television anthology series Soulmates has been created by William Bridges and Brett Goldstein. The first season premiered on 5th October 2020 on AMC and the series was renewed for a second season in August 2020 before the premiere of the first season. The first season had 6 episodes.
The series is set around 15 years in the future where a company named Soul Connex has developed a test which can determine that one person you were most meant to love with 100% accuracy. People taking the test learn about their soulmate and they also have the choice for pursuing that person or they also get a response which says that their soulmate hasn’t tested yet. The series explores the and tries to find an answer to the question whether love is a destiny or choice.
The second season of the show is all set to make its UK premiere on Amazon Prime Video. Fans have been eagerly waiting for the new season after the premiere of Season 1.
Release Date of Soulmates Season 2
Soulmates was renewed for a second season before the premiere of the first season in August 2020 but at present, there is no confirmation on the release date of Soulmates Season 2. For now, you can enjoy all the six episodes of Soulmates Season 1 on Amazon Prime Video.
Cast of Soulmates Season 2
Because Soulmates is an anthology series, the cast for the second season has not been confirmed yet. The first season had some big names in its cast which included Kingsley Ben-Adir, Dolly Wells, Bill Skarsgård, Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, Charlie Heaton and Steven Mackintosh.
Plot of Soulmates Season 2
The second season of Soulmates Season 2 will surely follow the premise of Season 1. Nothing more than this has been confirmed about the second season and because it is an anthology show, the storylines will not be unveiled before the premiere. The creators of the series have plenty of ideas for the future of the show.
Trailer of Soulmates Season 2
The trailer of the second season of Soulmates has not been released yet.