Directed by Johan Renck and written by Colby Day, Spaceman is an upcoming American science fiction drama film. The upcoming film is based on the 2017 novel Spaceman of Bohemia by Jaroslav Kalfař. The film has been produced by Channing Tatum, Reid Carolin, Peter Kiernan, Michael Parets, Timothy Headington, Lia Buman, and Max Silva. Free Association and Tango Entertainment are the production companies involved with the show.
So, when the upcoming film is coming out? What is the storyline? Who has been cast in the key characters? Is there any trailer or teaser available for the upcoming film? Keep reading to know further details.
Spaceman Plot and Cast
The basic premise of the film focuses on an astronaut Jakub Procházka, who is on his journey into the galaxy for mysterious space dust. Jakub’s time in space grants him a reprieve from his messy life back on Earth. But while he’s on his ship, he starts hearing the voice of an ancient creature.
As per the official synopsis of Netflix,
As an astronaut sent to the edge of the galaxy to collect mysterious ancient dust finds his earthly life falling to pieces, he turns to the only voice that can help him try to put it back together. It just so happens to belong to a creature from the beginning of time lurking in the shadows of his ship.
Coming to the cast members, it includes Adam Sandler as Jakub Procházka, Paul Dano, Carey Mulligan as Lenka, Kunal Nayyar, and Isabella Rossellin.
Spaceman Release Date
Netflix announced in November 2020 that the novel Spaceman of Bohemia would be adapted by screenwriter Colby Day into a feature film of the same name.
Filming for the show has begun on April 19, 2021, in New York City, and wrapped on July 1, 2021, in the Czech Republic. However, the makers have not revealed the release date yet.
Spaceman Trailer
Unfortunately, the official trailer or teaser for the upcoming film has not arrived yet since the release date is yet to be confirmed. It might take a while to get the official trailer.