The pandemic has taken a huge toll not only on the economic conditions, but also on the mental health. People are getting fired or losing jobs, increasing the overall unemployment rate. Conditions are not improving, rather deteriorating, and there has been no ultimate solutions. That’s when the Oscar winning film-maker Spike Lee drops a bomb and straight forwardly refuses to join his work back until and unless a vaccine is being made and things are getting cured.

Lee was supposed to start with his production of next adaptation of the graphic novel Prince of Cats for Legendary Pictures, but he sees no chance of commencement because of the corona virus pandemic. In an interview for Vanity, he says,
“They ain’t doing a thing until the vaccine. I know I’m not going to a movie theatre. I know I’m not going to a Broadway show. I know I’m not going to Yankee Stadium. Corona is a bi***. Corona is not playing. You f*** around you’re going to get killed, you’re going to die. I’m not ready to go.”
His anger is totally justifiable and the whole world has a black cloud hovering over it. No one knows when the scenario is going to get better. On the other hand, he also cannot take the risk of exposing the people more to the virus with the start of a shooting. It is quite impossible to maintain the social distancing while doing so. But the greener side is that his Vietnam War drama Da 5 Bloods will start streaming on Netflix from June 12.
With everything happening in the United States of America right now, he showed his support and anger for the ruling presidency on the social media. Being a black himself, the incidents are upsetting and grave for him and for everyone out there, protesting against the injustice.