Star Wars: Skeleton Crew is an upcoming American television series created by Jon Watts and Christopher Ford for the streaming service Disney+. It is part of the Star Wars franchise, taking place in the same timeframe as The Mandalorian and its related spin-offs after the events of Return of the Jedi.
Watts and Ford are also the series’ executive producers alongside Kathleen Kennedy, Jon Favreau, and Dave Filoni. Watts approached Lucasfilm about telling an Amblin Entertainment-style coming-of-age story set in the Star Wars universe, and he was developing the series with Ford by early 2022.
So, what is the release date of this brand-new series? Who will be in the cast? What is the plot? Keep reading to know more.
Star Wars: Skeleton Crew Plot and Cast
Watts has described Star Wars: Skeleton Crew as a coming-of-age story about four children from a “tiny little planet” who become lost in the vastness of space. Watts further elaborates that the series will show a unique point of view for a Star Wars story, perhaps showing adventures on a far smaller scale than usual, not unlike the Legends continuity’s Ewok movies. Given Skeleton Crew’s place on the Star Wars canon timeline, the galaxy will be in a rather chaotic state, making the adventure even more perilous for the protagonists.
The only known cast member of Skeleton Crew is Jude Law. Given that the protagonists are said to be children, Law may be their adult caretakers, such as their father, the pilot of whatever vessel they become lost in, or even a droid who looks after them. The cast of children themselves has yet to be announced.
Star Wars: Skeleton Crew Release Date
Star Wars: Skeleton Crew has yet to receive a definitive release date on Disney Plus, though Lucasfilm confirmed during the Star Wars Celebration that the plan is still to debut it sometime later this year.
Ahsoka arrives in August and will be airing into autumn. If there’s at least a two-month gap between the series, we should expect a December release date, meaning Skeleton Crew would partially slip into 2024, much like The Book of Boba Fett airing for the most part in early 2022, since it started at the very end of December 2021.
Star Wars: Skeleton Crew Trailer
There is no trailer available for Star Wars: Skeleton Crew yet. Until then, check a few details about the show below: