Star Wars: The Clone Wars is an animated TV series. The show is created by George Lucas and produced by Lucas Film Animation. The show was first premiered on TV on 3rd October 2008 in the channel Cartoon Network, and it was a huge rage among the viewers and became one of the highest-rated shows. The plot of the series is based on the fictional world of Star Wars Galaxy following the adventures of Anakin Skywalker, Wan Kenobi along with new characters which are Captain Rex which results into a scale of war, formation of Empire and annihilation of Jedis.
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The last and final season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars consists of 12 episodes and is currently available till episode 9 on Disney + which was released on 21 February 2020, with a new plotline which the writer, Dave Filoni wasn’t able to do so in the initial years of the show because it got canceled in 2013 but now it’s back because of fans’ constant support for the show.
The next episode which is the 10th episode titled, ‘The Phantom Apprentice’ of the new season will come out on 24 April 2020 only on Disney +. The fans are taken aback when Disney announced that the Clone Wars episodes will release several days before the expected release date. The final episode will release on May 4 which is also known as ‘Star Wars Day’, in the franchise fandom.
The seventh season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars features your favorite voice-over artists for the characters which are Matt Lanter as Anakin Skywalker, Ashley Eckstein as Ahsoko Tano, Dee Bradley as Captain Rex, Sam Witer as Maul, and few others.
For fans, it’s difficult to imagine Star Wars ending, even if Star Wars: The Clone Wars is about to end soon the story will continue as Ahsoko is expected to return to The Mandalorian’s second season. Till then watch the new season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars if you’ve not already! Here’s the trailer for you.