Grey’s Anatomy spin-off show Station 19 premiered its third season on 23 January 2020 on ABC television network. This season of the fireman show has a total of 16 episodes in total and 2 more to go before we reach the series finale.
What was the production status of Station 19 before the coronavirus outbreak?
In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, bringing along the drastic safety measures of social distancing and quarantine, the productions of all movies and tv shows have been halted. Season 19 fans were worried whether they’ll get to see the complete third season. Krista Vermoff, the showrunner, screenwriter and executive producer for Grey’s Anatomy and Station 19 cleared out this confusion on Twitter. On 27th March, she tweeted, “Yes!! We shot Station19 earlier this year! You get to see all 16 episodes!!”
But Grey’s Anatomy production got stuck up due to the pandemic before the creators could finish filming the whole season. As a consequence, ABC has shifted Station to the timeslot of Grey’s Anatomy. The latest episode aired at 9 PM EST instead of its previous time of 8 PM EST. This will continue until the series finale.
Station 19 Season 3 Finale Air Date
The series finale will air on the 14th of May at 9 PM EST on ABC. The finale will be full of heated action, thrill, drama, and romance. More good news for the fans is that the show has been officially renewed for season 4. Ideally, season 4 could have premiered in January 2021 but the pandemic crisis will obviously cause unpredictable delays.
This firefighter show has the lead cast of Jaina Lee Ortiz as Andrea Herrera, Jason Winston George as Ben Warren, Danielle Savre as Maya Bishop, Grey Damon as Jack Gibson, Barrett Doss as Victoria Hughes, Jay Hayden as Travis Montgomery, Okieriete Onadowan as Dean Miller and Miguel Sandoval as Pruitt Herrera. This cast is expected to see again in season 4 as well.