Station Eleven is an upcoming science-fiction miniseries that is based on the novel of the same name by Emily St. John Mandel. It will be available for streaming on HBO Max. Set in a post-apocalyptic world, the show revolves around the aftermath of deadly flu that kills half the world’s population. The show is created by Paramount Television Studios and Patrick Sommerville. The book had received praise from critics. Hence, the same can be expected from the show. Given the current state of the world with the covid-19, the themes of the show become especially relevant. Thus, the audience can anticipate an interesting watch.
Station Eleven: Plot and Cast
As mentioned before, the HBO Max limited series is an adaptation of a novel. Therefore we can expect it to borrow quite a lot from the source material. The official synopsis of the show reads as follows:
“A post-apocalyptic saga spanning multiple timelines, this limited drama series tells the stories of survivors of a devastating flu as they attempt to rebuild and reimagine the world anew while holding on to the best of what’s been lost. “Station Eleven” is based on the international bestseller of the same name by Emily St. John Mandel.”
With the significant themes of the show being more relevant than ever in the current world, it will surely be an interesting watch. Fans are thus encouraged to check out the series and enjoy it. It will be a fun watch!
The cast of the show has been confirmed. The list includes Mackenzie Davis, Daniel Zovatto, David Wilmot, and Himesh Patel. Philippine Velge, Nabhaan Rizwan, and Lori Petty are also in the show.
Station Eleven: Release date and Official Trailer
The series will have ten episodes and is set to premiere on HBO Max on December 16th. Watch the official teaser below:
An HBO Max subscription will be required to watch the show.