Developed by Todd Helbing and Greg Berlanti, based on the DC Comics characters Superman and Lois Lane, created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, “Superman & Lois”is an American superhero drama television series set in the Arrowverse starring Tyler Hoechlin and Elizabeth Tulloch as the title characters Clark Kent / Superman, a costumed superhero, and Lois Lane, a journalist for the Daily Planet that premiered on February 23, 2021, on The CW.
Follow the world’s most famous superhero and comic books’ most famous journalist as they deal with all the stress, pressures, and complexities that come with being working parents in today’s society.
Airing just five episodes before going on a seven-week covid related break, the show is finally back on track with a new episode on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, at 9:00 P.M, on The CW.
Clark reconsiders his decision to let Jordan play football. Meanwhile, Lois’ continued investigation of Morgan Edge requires her to trust an unexpected ally. Emmanuelle Chriqui, Dylan Walsh, Erik Valdez, Inde Navarrette and Wole Parks also star.
Part of this plays out in the promo video below where Clark interferes in what looks to be a direct call to take out Jordan, Tag, or both of them. This could be the only sign we need to know that Tag’s confrontation with Jordan isn’t a powerless one because it catches the attention of the authorities.
It does make sense that such a life-threatening event, yet another since the family moved to Smallville, would make Clark and Lois rethink the way their approaching things with the boys. For Clark, this means that he’s reconsidering his decision to let Jordan play football.
Where can I watch “Superman & Lois”?
Exclusively available for streaming on The CW, you can also watch the show on YouTube (Free Trial).