See is a science fiction drama that depicts a story of a few centuries after a post-apocalyptic dystopia where two million or lesser people endured but...
Walker: Independence is an action-period drama based on the infamous television series, Walker. The former serves as s prequel to the latter, and both the shows...
The upcoming television series, Andor, is a prequel to Rogue One (2016), the infamous spin-off film of George Lucas’ Star Wars. The series is created by...
Developed by Christina M. Kim, Kung Fu is a martial arts action-adventure television series is an adaptation of the 1970s series of the same name. Kim...
Created by Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk and Tim Minear, 9-1-1: Lone Star is a procedural drama television series. The use of Lone Star in the name...
Developed by Andrew W. Marlowe & Terri Edda Miller, The Equalizer is an American crime drama television series that premiered on CBS on February 7, 2021....
Created by Jeb Stuart, Vikings: Valhalla is a historical drama series made for Netflix. Stuart is also the executive producer alongside Morgan O’Sullivan, Michael Hirst, Sheila...
Created by Masamune Shirow, Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 is a Japanese original net animation (ONA) anime series based on the 1980s Japanese manga series Ghost...
Created by Alexi Hawley, The Rookie is a police procedural crime drama series, produced for ABC. Hawley is the executive producer alongside Nathan Fillion, Mark Gordon,...
Created by Jon Bokenkamp, The Blacklist is a crime thriller series produced for NBC. Bokenkamp is also the executive producer alongside John Davis, John Eisendrath, John...