Seal Team the American military show, created by Benjamin Cavell is back again for some more action. The series revolves around the bravo team, the most...
There’s a lot of us who would have wished to witness the second world war. Well, it’s still not late enough. Tom Hanks’s new movie “Greyhound”...
History lovers should be ready to get another chance to revise their books again, though fictionally. Shortly after the success of “The Last Kingdom Season 4”,...
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is a supernatural horror teen drama, with an equal taste of comedy action, and thriller. With all these deadly combinations, this series...
Half-Life: Alyx had officially Launched on Steam long 13 Years after the arrival of the first Half-Life game. This Computer generated Experience-based game is Valve’s most...
A fourth installment of the action series John Wick is the most recent concern of all Keanu Reeves’ fans. When will chapter four of John Wick...
Vin Diesel’s action-packed American Superhero film Bloodshot hit the screens this summer on March 13. Now, an announcement from Sony Pictures about its release on digital...
Gangs of London is based on the time when the city of London is being torn apart by the turbulent power struggles of the international gangs...
Rockstar’s cult fever Bully game launched in 2006 cannot be denied. An action-adventure game where you navigate your way around the town of Bullworth. Developed by Rockstar...