American adult animated science fiction comedy television series, Star Trek: Lower Decks created by Mike McMahan. It is the franchise’s first animated series since the 1970s...
Created by Christian Linke and Alex Yee, Arcane is an adult animated action adventure streaming television series. The executive producers of the show include Christian Linke,...
Developed by Charley Parlapanides and Vlas Parlapanides, Blood of Zeus is an American adult animated fantasy action streaming television series from Netflix. The first season was...
Created by American filmmaker Tim Miller, Love, Death & Robots is an adult animated anthology streaming television series. The show is a reimagination of Fincher and...
American adult animated coming-of-age sitcom, Big Mouth was created by Nick Kroll, Jennifer Flackett, Andrew Goldberg, and Mark Levin. The series focuses on teens residing in...
Developed by Charlie Grandy, Velma is an American adult animated mystery horror comedy television series. It was inspired from Velma Dinkley, who appeared in the Scooby-Doo...
Created by Seth MacFarlane, Family Guy is an American adult animated sitcom. MacFarlane is also the executive producer alongside David Zuckerman, Daniel Palladino, David A. Goodman,...
Created by Christian Linke and Alex Yee, Arcane is an adult animated action adventure streaming television series. The executive producers of the show include Christian Linke,...
Created by Critical Role, The Legend of Vox Machina is an American adult animated fantasy streaming television series. The show is produced by Critical Role Productions,...
Created by Will Speck and Josh Gordon, Hit-Monkey is an American adult animated television series developed for Hulu. The executive producers of the show include Grant...