Created by Seth MacFarlane, Family Guy is an American adult animated sitcom. MacFarlane is also the executive producer alongside David Zuckerman, Daniel Palladino, David A. Goodman,...
Created by Ryan Murphy, Jaffe Cohen, and Michael Zam, Feud is a docudrama television series. Murphy is also the executive producer alongside Dede Gardner, Tim Minear,...
Developed by Larry Karaszewski and Scott Alexander, American Crime Story is an American anthology true crime television series. Karaszewski and Alexander are also the executive producers...
Created by Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk, American Horror Story is an American anthology horror television series, made for the cable network FX. Murphy and Falchuk...
Created by Jemaine Clement, What We Do in the Shadows is an American mockumentary comedy horror television series that premiered on March 27, 2019, on FX....
Created by Jonathan E. Steinberg and Robert Levine, The Old Man is an American drama thriller television series. It is based on the 2017 novel of...
Created by Tom Moran, The Devil’s Hour is a British drama thriller television series. The show first premiered on Amazon Prime Video. Hartswood Films and Amazon...
Created by Guy Burt, Alex Rider is a British spy thriller television series based on the novel series of the same name by Anthony Horowitz. Burt...
Directed by Alejandro Aimetta, Maradona: Blessed Dream is a biographical drama television series. Before the series premiere, it was confirmed that the series was renewed for...
Created by Marcos Bucay, Sebastian, and Emiliano Zurita, How to Survive Being Single is a comedy television series. The series is produced by Campanario Entertainment and...