Created by Dick Wolf, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit is an American crime drama television series. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit follows the style...
Created by Dick Wolf, Law & Order is a police procedural and legal drama series, made for NBC. Wolf is also the executive producer alongside Peter...
Debuted on March 25, 2002, on ABC, The Bachelor is an American dating and relationship reality television series. For its first 25 seasons, the show was...
Created by Quinta Brunson for ABC, Abbott Elementary is an American mockumentary sitcom television series. The series premiered as a midseason entry in the 2021–22 television...
Created by Matt Williams, The Conners is a television sitcom made for ABC and a direct sequel to Roseanne. Tom Werner, Tony Hernandez, Sara Gilbert, Dave...
Created by Karin Slaughter, Daniel T. Thomsen, and Liz Heldens, Will Trent is an American police procedural crime drama television series that is based on Karin...
Created by Alexi Hawley, The Rookie is an American police procedural television series. The series follows John Nolan, a man in his forties, who becomes the...
Created by Stacy McKee, Station 19 is an American action-drama television series. It is the second spin-off of Grey’s Anatomy. The executive producers of the show...
The Good Doctor is an American medical drama television series developed by David Shore. It is based on the 2013 South Korean series of the same...
Created by Shonda Rhimes, Grey’s Anatomy is a medical drama television series, produced for ABC. Rhimes is also the executive producer alongside Allan Heinberg, Andy Reaser,...