Created by Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk, American Horror Story is an American anthology horror television series, made for the cable network FX. Murphy and Falchuk...
Created by Little Marvin, Them is an American horror drama streaming television anthology series. Marvin is also the executive producer alongside David Matthews, Roy Lee, Miri...
Created by Rolin Jones, Interview with the Vampire is a gothic horror vampire TV series based on Anne Rice’s infamous novel of 1976 that had the...
Created by The Duffer Brothers, Stranger Things is a science fiction horror drama television series produced for Netflix. The Duffer Brothers are also the executive producers...
Created by The Duffer Brothers, Stranger Things is a science fiction horror drama television series produced for Netflix. The Duffer Brothers are also the executive producers...
Created by The Duffer Brothers, Stranger Things is a science fiction horror drama television series produced for Netflix. The Duffer Brothers are also the executive producers...
Created by The Duffer Brothers, Stranger Things is a science fiction horror drama television series produced for Netflix. The Duffer Brothers are also the executive producers...
Created by Rolin Jones, Interview with the Vampire is a gothic horror vampire TV series based on Anne Rice’s infamous novel of 1976 that had the...
Created by Little Marvin, Them is an American horror drama streaming television anthology series. Marvin is also the executive producer alongside David Matthews, Roy Lee, Miri...
Created by Jeff Astrof, Shining Vale is an American comedy horror television series. Astrof is also the executive producer of the series along with Dana Honor,...