Created by Brian Watkins, Outer Range is an American science fiction neo-Western streaming television series. The executive producers of the show include Zev Borow, Josh Brolin,...
Created by Little Marvin, Them is an American horror drama streaming television anthology series. Marvin is also the executive producer alongside David Matthews, Roy Lee, Miri...
Created by Marcos Bucay, Sebastian, and Emiliano Zurita, How to Survive Being Single is a comedy television series. The series is produced by Campanario Entertainment and...
Directed by Gavin Whitehead and narrated by Jeremy Clarkson, Clarkson’s Farm is a television documentary series. It first premiered on Amazon Prime Video on June 11,...
Directed by Alejandro Aimetta, Maradona, sueño bendito (English: Maradona: Blessed Dream) is a biographical drama television series. Before the series premiere, it was confirmed that the...
Created by Marcos Bucay, Sebastian, and Emiliano Zurita, How to Survive Being Single is a comedy television series. The series is produced by Campanario Entertainment and...
Amazon Prime Video brought some of the best shows for its subscribers last year. One of them was The Legend of Vox Machina which was an...
Developed by Robert Kirkman, Invincible is an adult animated superhero series, based on the Image Comics series of the same name. Kirkman is also the executive...
Created by Abbi Jacobson and Will Graham, A League of Their Own is an American period sports comedy-drama television series. The series debuted on August 12,...
The Lake is a Canadian comedy television series created by Julian Doucet for Amazon Prime Video. The series is Amazon’s first scripted Canadian Amazon Original series...