Smiling Friends is an American animated black comedy television series, released on Adult Swim on April 1, 2020. Even though it received a mixed response from...
Developed by Wellesley Wild and Steven Spielberg, Animaniacs is an American animated comedy musical streaming television series. It is a revival of the original 1993 animated...
Developed by Charley Parlapanides and Vlas Parlapanides, Blood of Zeus is an American adult animated fantasy action streaming television series from Netflix. The first season was...
Animated television series The Proud Family’s revival, The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder is scheduled to premiere soon on Disney+. The show is created by Bruce...
Developed by Rob David, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe is a computer-animated science fantasy television series. The show premiered on Netflix on September 16,...
Created by Chad and Jared Moldenhauer, The Cuphead Show! is an animated television series developed for Netflix. The series is based on the run-and-gun shooter video...
Hello, Readers! Marvel’s What If…? is Marvel Studios’ most recent and original series. With the releases of WandaVision, The Falcon And The Winter Soldier, and Loki,...