Developed for Apple TV+, The Big Door Prize is an American comedy television series based on the book of the same name by M.O. Walsh. The...
Developed by Eric Kripke for Amazon Prime Video, The Boys is an American black comedy action superhero drama television series. It is based on the comic...
American comedy television series, Mythic Quest was created for Apple TV+ by Charlie Day, Rob McElhenney, and Megan Ganz. The series debuted on February 7, 2020,...
Created by Jeff Astrof, Shining Vale is an American comedy horror television series. Astrof is also the executive producer of the series along with Dana Honor,...
The comedy-drama television mini-series, Wolf Like Me is written and directed by Abe Forsythe. Bruna Papandrea, Jodi Matterson, Josh Gad, Isla Fisher, and Steve Hutensky are...
Created by Jac Schaeffer, Agatha: Coven of Chaos is an upcoming American television series. The upcoming show is made on the Marvel Comics character Agatha Harkness....
Developed for Apple TV+, The Big Door Prize is an American comedy television series based on the book of the same name by M.O. Walsh. The...
Created for Apple TV+ by Alan Yang and Matt Hubbard, Loot is an American comedy television series. Hubbard and Yang are also the executive producers of...
Developed by Nicole Dubuc, Dale Malinowski, and Ant Ward, Transformers: EarthSpark is an American science fiction action comedy computer-animated television series. It is based on the...
Created by Alfred Gough and Miles Millar, Wednesday is an American coming-of-age supernatural comedy horror streaming television series. The show is made on the character Wednesday...