Created by Rick Riordan for the streaming service Disney+, Percy Jackson and the Olympians is an upcoming American television series. It is based on the novel...
Created by Kirsten Lepore, I Am Groot is an American series of animated shorts for the streaming service Disney+. It is based on the Marvel Comics...
Debuted on March 25, 2002, on ABC, The Bachelor is an American dating and relationship reality television series. For its first 25 seasons, the show was...
Created by Jay Carson, The Morning Show is an American drama television series. The series is inspired by Brian Stelter’s book Top of the Morning: Inside...
Written by David DiGilio, The Terminal List is a television series based on the novel of the same name by Jack Carr. DiGilio is also the...
Written by Nate Trinrud, and Megan Trinrud, School Spirits is an American YA drama series. The basic premise of the show focuses on a teen stuck...
Hosted by Jimmy Fallon, That’s My Jam is an American music game show which is based on the music-themed segments of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy...
Hosted by Tan France and Alexa Chung, Next in Fashion is a reality fashion design competition show. Designers from different cities enter into a competition to...
Created by Chinaka Hodge, Ironheart is an upcoming American television series. It is based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. The show’s executive...
Directed by Noah Matthews and Brad Thomas, World’s Funniest Animals is an American video clip television series. On May 14, 2020, The CW announced that in...