Created by Justin Spitzer, American Auto is an American television sitcom. It premiered on NBC on December 13, 2021. In May 2022. Spitzer is also the...
Based on Slow Horses by Mick Herron, Slow Horses is a spy thriller series, made for Apple TV+. Iain Canning, Hakan Kousetta, Jamie Laurenson, Gail Mutrux,...
Directed by Noah Matthews and Brad Thomas, World’s Funniest Animals is an American video clip television series. On May 14, 2020, The CW announced that in...
Created by Jeff Rake, Manifest is an American supernatural drama television series. The executive producers of the show are Robert Zemeckis, Jack Rapke, Jacqueline Levine, Jeff...
Inspired by the 1988 series of the same title, The Wonder Years is an American coming-of-age comedy television series. It is developed by Saladin K. Patterson...
Created by David Weil, Hunters is an American conspiracy drama streaming television series, that follows a diverse band of Nazi hunters living in 1977 New York...
Created by Michael Waldron, Loki is a television series created for Disney+. It is based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name and the...
Created by Akiva Goldsman, Alex Kurtzman and Jenny Lumet, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is an American television series. It is the eleventh Star Trek series...
Created by Akiva Goldsman, Michael Chabon, Kirsten Beyer, and Alex Kurtzman, Star Trek: Picard is an American television series. It is the eighth Star Trek series...
Created by Bryan Fuller and Alex Kurtzman, Star Trek: Discovery is an American television series. Premiered on September 24, 2017, it is the seventh Star Trek...