Created by Tony Basgallop, Servant is an American psychological horror streaming television series. Basgallop has also served as an executive producer of the show along with...
Created by Nichelle Tramble Spellman, Truth Be Told is an American drama streaming television series based on the novel Are You Sleeping by Kathleen Barber. The...
Created by Jay Carson, The Morning Show is an American drama television series. The series is inspired by Brian Stelter’s book Top of the Morning: Inside...
Created by Dan Erickson, Severance is a science fiction psychological thriller series made for Apple TV+. Erickson is also the executive producer alongside Ben Stiller, Nicholas...
Created by Reggie Rock Bythewood, Swagger is a sports drama series made for Apple TV+. Bythewood is also the executive producer alongside Kevin Durant, Brian Grazer,...
Created by David E. Kelley, The Lincoln Lawyer is a legal drama series, made for Apple TV+. Kelley is also the executive producer alongside Ted Humphrey,...
Created by the writer Andy Wolton, Trying is a British comedy television series which is premiered on May 1, 2020, on Apple TV+. The creator Wolton...
Written by John Ridley and Carlton Cuse for Apple TV+, Five Days at Memorial is an upcoming American medical drama television miniseries. It is based on...
Directed by the creator Scott Z. Burns for Apple TV+, Extrapolations is an upcoming American anthology drama series. It is an anthology series that depicts the...
Written by Mark Boal, Echo 3 is an upcoming drama television series. The series is based on the Israeli television series When Heroes Fly and inspired...