Period crime drama Peaky Blinders has opened to positive reviews from critics since the time it premiered on BBC Two. Created by Steven Knight, the show...
Life Below Zero is a documentary television series. Illustrating the daily and seasonal activities of subsistence hunters. As they make their living in remote areas of...
Killing eve is a British black comedy spy thriller TV series based on Villanelle novel series by Luke Jennings. Each season of the series is led by a different...
Created by Jemaine Clement, What We Do in the Shadows, is based on the 2014 film of the same title written by Clement and Taika Waititi. The show...
Giri/Haji is a Japanese Crime Thriller show which made its debut on Netflix in January 2020. The show was created for BBC network but later on,...
The Scottish television crime drama Shetland is getting ready for its sixth season and the fans are already hyped about. It is one of the most...