Black Panther was the first superhero film to introduce a black superhero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The film accomplished quite a lot of successes. It was the...
Again Marvel Studios made the whole world mad by shouting like “Wakanda Forever!” when its superb movie returned again. Black Panther hit theaters in February 2018,...
You all must be remembering how we chanted ‘Yibambe‘ along with ‘Wakandans’. Whenever they came on the screen But the news is that Black Panther is...
The chant “Wakanda Forever ” isn’t going to die some times soon. The Black Panther was a highly successful superhero movie and one of the highest-grossing...
Are you a Marvel fan? Well, who isn’t? Marvel Studios have given us the movies that we could cherish our whole lives. Back in 2018, Marvel...