Created and directed by Kondzilla, Sintonia is a Brazilian crime teen drama television series. Narrated from the perspectives of the three characters Doni, Nando, and Rita...
Based on Na porta ao lado by Luly Trigo, All the Same… or Not is a comedy-drama series made for Disney+. The show is written by...
Based on Na porta ao lado by Luly Trigo, All the Same… or Not is a comedy-drama series made for Disney+. The show is written by...
Created and directed by Kondzilla, Sintonia is a Brazilian crime teen drama streaming television series that premiered on Netflix on August 9, 2019. The series is...
Created and directed by Kondzilla, Sintonia is a Brazilian crime teen drama streaming television series that premiered on Netflix on August 9, 2019. The series is...
Created by Carlos Saldanha, Invisible City is a Brazilian fantasy streaming television series, made for Netflix. Saldanha is also the executive producer alongside Renata Grynszpan, Caito...
Based on Na porta ao lado by Luly Trigo, All the Same… or Not is a comedy-drama series made for Disney+. The show is written by...
Created and directed by Kondzilla, Sintonia is a Brazilian crime teen drama streaming television series that premiered on Netflix on August 9, 2019. The series is...
Created by Pedro Morelli, Brotherhood is a Brazilian crime drama web television series, developed for Netflix. Morelli has also directed the episodes of the show, and...
Created by Luis Pinheiro, September Mornings is a Brazilian drama series. Pinheiro is also the executive producer and director alongside Dainara Toffoli, and the series is...