Created by Sarah Lampert, Ginny & Georgia is an American comedy-drama television series produced for Netflix. Lampert is also the executive producer alongside Debra J. Fisher,...
Created by Sarah Lampert, Ginny & Georgia is an American comedy-drama television series produced for Netflix. Lampert is also the executive producer alongside Debra J. Fisher,...
Developed by Michael Patrick King, And Just Like That… is an American comedy-drama streaming television series for HBO Max. It is a revival and a sequel...
Created by Mindy Kaling and Justin Noble, The Sex Lives of College Girls is a teen comedy-drama streaming television series. It first premiered on HBO Max...
Created by Brett Goldstein, Bill Lawrence, and Jason Segel, Shrinking is an American comedy-drama television series. The executive producers of the show include Bill Lawrence, Jason...
Created by Mo Amer, and Ramy Youssef, Mo is an American comedy-drama streaming television series that premiered on August 24, 2022, on Netflix. The series is...
Created by Darren Star, Emily in Paris is a comedy-drama series, made for Netflix. Star is also the executive producer alongside Andrew Fleming, Tony Hernandez, and...
Created by Sarah Lampert, Ginny & Georgia is an American comedy-drama television series produced for Netflix. Lampert is also the executive producer alongside Debra J. Fisher,...
Created by Sarah Lampert, Ginny & Georgia is an American comedy-drama television series produced for Netflix. Lampert is also the executive producer alongside Debra J. Fisher,...
Created by Lucia Aniello, Paul W. Downs, and Jen Statsky, Hacks is an American comedy-drama streaming television series. the series centers on the professional relationship between...