Created by Amy Schumer, Life & Beth is a comedy-drama series made for Hulu. Schumer is also the executive producer alongside Kevin Kane, Daniel Powell, and...
Created by Rose Matafeo, Starstruck is a comedy series made for BBC Three and HBO Max. The show is written by Matafeo alongside Alice Snedden. Jon...
Created by David Jenkins, Our Flag Means Death is a period romantic comedy series made for HBO Max. Jenkins is also the executive producer alongside Garrett...
Created by Mindy Kaling and Justin Noble, The Sex Lives of College Girls is a teen comedy-drama streaming television series. It first premiered on HBO Max...
Directed by Pato Safa and Javier Colinas, Daddies on Request is a Mexican comedy-drama streaming television series specially made for children and adolescents. The show was...
Based on Na porta ao lado by Luly Trigo, All the Same… or Not is a comedy-drama series made for Disney+. The show is written by...
Created by Amy Schumer, Life & Beth is a comedy-drama series made for Hulu. Schumer is also the executive producer alongside Kevin Kane, Daniel Powell, and...
Developed for Apple TV+, The Big Door Prize is an American comedy television series based on the book of the same name by M.O. Walsh. The...
Created by Brett Goldstein, Bill Lawrence, and Jason Segel, Shrinking is an American comedy-drama television series. The executive producers of the show include Bill Lawrence, Jason...
Created for Apple TV+ by Alan Yang and Matt Hubbard, Loot is an American comedy television series. Hubbard and Yang are also the executive producers of...