Directed by Gavin Whitehead and narrated by Jeremy Clarkson, Clarkson’s Farm is a television documentary series. It first premiered on Amazon Prime Video on June 11,...
Sins of Our Mother is an upcoming crime docuseries that put forward the renowned incident concerning Lori Vallow and her fifth husband, Charles Daybell. Featuring Colby,...
Created by David Gelb, Chef’s Table is a documentary series, made for Netflix. Gelb is also the executive producer alongside Andrew Fried, Brian McGinn, Dane Lillegard,...
Directed by Chris Smith, 100 Foot Wave is a documentary television series based on big-wave surfer Garrett McNamara as he traveled to Nazare, Portugal to conquer...
Premiered on 8 March 2019, Formula 1: Drive to Survive covers the 2018 World Championship for its first season. The documentary series was produced in a...
Premiered on 8 March 2019, Formula 1: Drive to Survive covers the 2018 World Championship for its first season. The documentary series was produced in a...
Created by David Gelb, Chef’s Table is a documentary series, made for Netflix. Gelb is also the executive producer alongside Andrew Fried, Brian McGinn, Dane Lillegard,...
Produced for Apple TV+, Home is a documentary television series. Announced back in 2018, the series has been the recipient of several accolades at the Critics’...
Created by Fred Armisen, Bill Hader, Seth Meyers and Rhys Thomas, Documentary Now! is a mockumentary television series made for IFC. Armisen, Hader, Meyers and Thomas...
High on the Hog: How African American Cuisine Transformed America is a docuseries made for Netflix. Adapted from food historian Jessica B. Harris’ book, the series...