Created by Jonathan E. Steinberg and Robert Levine, The Old Man is an American drama thriller television series. It is based on the 2017 novel of...
Created by Taylor Sheridan, 1923 is an American Western drama television series that premiered on December 18, 2022, on Paramount+. 1923 is a prequel to the...
Created by Akiva Goldsman, Alex Kurtzman, and Jenny Lumet, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is an American television series. A spin-off from Star Trek: Discovery, it...
Created by Carlos Montero and Dario Madrona, Elite is a thriller teen drama series produced for Netflix. It features an ensemble cast and most of them...
Created by Mo Amer, and Ramy Youssef, Mo is an American comedy-drama streaming television series that premiered on August 24, 2022, on Netflix. The series is...
Created for Netflix by Lebogang Mogashoa, Savage Beauty is a South African drama series. It is about the mystery woman who enmeshes herself in a strong...
Created by Sarah Lampert, Ginny & Georgia is an American comedy-drama television series produced for Netflix. Lampert is also the executive producer alongside Debra J. Fisher,...
Created by Justin Haythe, The Serpent Queen is an American period drama television series. The series is all about the life of Catherine de’ Medici, the...
Created by Robert Munic, Power Book IV: Force is an American crime drama television series. It is a sequel and third spin-off to Power which is...
Created by Sascha Penn, Power Book III: Raising Kanan is an American crime drama television series. Raising Kanan is set in the backdrop of the 90s...