Created by Soo Hugh, Pachinko is a drama series made for Apple TV+. It is based on the novel of the same name by Manhattan-based author...
Created by Jay Carson, The Morning Show is an American drama series made for Apple TV+. Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon, Kerry Ehrin, Michael Ellenberg, Mimi Leder,...
Created by Chuck MacLean, City on a Hill is an American crime drama series, it is based on a story by Ben Affleck and MacLean. City...
Created by Lena Waithe, The Chi is an American drama television series. The show is about life in a neighborhood on the South Side of Chicago....
Created by Channing Powell, Tales of the Walking Dead is an upcoming post-apocalyptic horror drama anthology series and is a spin-off to The Walking Dead. Powell...
Created by Pedro Morelli, Brotherhood is a Brazilian crime drama web television series, developed for Netflix. Morelli has also directed the episodes of the show, and...
Directed by Kalia Alabrudzińska and Piotr Domalewski, Sexify is a Polish language sex comedy streaming television series. The first season of the show with eight episodes...
Developed by Monomyth Co., Ltd. The Victims’ Game is a Taiwanese Hokkien language thriller drama television series. It was based on The Fourth Victim by INFINITY....
Produced by Kim Dong-min, D.P. is a South Korean streaming television series and it is based on the Lezhin webtoon D.P. Dog’s Day by Kim Bo-tong....
Created by Luis Pinheiro, September Mornings is a Brazilian drama series. Pinheiro is also the executive producer and director alongside Dainara Toffoli, and the series is...