The Resident is a medical drama television series on Fox. The series is created by Amy Holden Jones, Hayley Schore, and Roshan Sethi. The Resident is based on the book Unaccountable by author Marty Makary. The...
The Orville is a science-fiction comedy drama series created by Seth MacFarlane. There have been two seasons of The Orville so far. The first season premiered in September 2017....
The Moodys is a comedy television series on Fox. The series is based on the Australian television show of the same name. The Moodys is co-created and written by Rob...
The Great North is an upcoming animated sitcom on Fox. The series was put for a straight to series order by Fox in May 2019. The Great North is...
The Masked Singer is a reality singing competition television series on Fox. The series first premiered in January, 2019. The Masked Singer on Fox is the first non-Asian adaptation...
The Masked Dancer is an upcoming dance competition reality television series on Fox. The series is a spin-off of another hit reality TV series on Fox, The Masked Singer. Conception of...
So You Think You Can Dance is a reality television dance competition on Fox. It is the flagship series of the international So You Think You Can Dance television franchise. Simon Fuller and Nigel...
Spin the Wheel is a strategy and trivia game show on Fox. The series is created by Justin Timberlake and Andrew Glassman. They also serve as executive producers on Spin the...
The Four: Battle for Stardom is a reality television music competition series on Fox. It is based on an Israeli format of the same name. The series premiered on...
Prodigal Son is a crime drama television series on Fox. The show is created by Chris Fedak and Sam Sklaver for Fox Broadcasting Company. They also serve as executive producers on...