Outmatched is a sitcom on Fox centered around a blue-collar Atlantic City couple trying to make ends meet and raise four kids, three of whom are certified geniuses. The...
Thursday Night Football, or TNF, includes the National Football League (NFL) games that are broadcast on Fox on Thursday nights. The program is broadcast at 8:20 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST), and consists...
neXt is an upcoming crime drama science fiction series on Fox. The show is created by Manny Coto for Fox Broadcasting Company. Fox had first ordered a pilot for the show...
Mental Samurai is a game show on Fox in which the contestants play mental agility games to test their knowledge, while being moved around in a giant robotic arm....
MasterChef Junior is a competitive cooking reality show on Fox, based on the British series Junior MasterChef. MasterChef Junior premiered on Fox on September 27, 2013. Since then, seven seasons of...
MasterChef is a competitive cooking reality TV show on Fox. The show first premiered on Fox in 2010. It is based on the British TV series of the same...
Lego Masters is a competition reality television series on Fox. The show is based on the British series of the same name. The show is hosted by Will Arnett, who also...
Last Man Standing is a sitcom starring Tim Allen. The show first premiered on ABC in 2011. Seven seasons of Last Man Standing aired on ABC from 2011 to...
L.A.’s Finest is a police procedural comedy drama series. The show made its debut on Spectrum in May 2019. It was the first premium content created for the...
Flirty Dancing is an entertainment reality show on Fox. The show is hosted by choreographer Jenna Dewan. She plays the role of cupid for single people who are looking for love,...