First Responders Live on Fox is a show about the first responders of America. The show is unscripted; and follows the bravery of firefighters, police officers, EMS technicians, and first...
Family Guy is an animated sitcom on Fox, created by Seth MacFarlane. The show first aired in 1999. After a brief cancellation by Fox after three seasons in 2003, Family Guy...
Duncanville is an adult animated sitcom on Fox. The show is co-created by Amy Poehler, Mike Scully and Julie Scully. They also serve as executive producers on the show, along with Dave Becky....
Deputy is a procedural crime drama series on Fox. The show is created by Will Beall, who also serves as an executive producer along with David Ayer, Chris Long, Barry Schindel, Kimberly...
Bob’s Burgers is an adult animated sitcom that airs on Fox. The show has been created by Loren Bouchard. He also serves as an executive producer on the show, along with...
Bless the Harts, which takes its name from the Southern phrase “bless your heart”, is an adult animated sitcom created by Emily Spivey. The show follows the story of...
Beat Shazam is a reality game show on Fox. The show is hosted by Jamie Foxx. The concept of the show has been developed by Jeff Apploff and Wes Kauble. Jamie Foxx, the host of...
BH90210 is a reboot of the popular 90s drama television series Beverly Hills 90210. The show aired on Fox from August to September in 2019. It is the sixth television series...
9-1-1: Lone Star is a spin-off of the television series 9-1-1. The show follows the story of the first respondents of the company 126, located in the city of Austin, Texas....
9-1-1 is a procedural television series that airs on Fox. The show revolves around the lives of first responders of the city of Los Angeles- police officers, firefighters, paramedics,...