Created by Katharina Eyssen, and Lena Stahl, The Empress is a 2022 German historical drama series. The show is based on the life of Empress Elisabeth...
Created by Jeb Stuart, Vikings: Valhalla is a historical drama series made for Netflix. Stuart is also the executive producer alongside Morgan O’Sullivan, Michael Hirst, Sheila...
Created by Chris Van Dusen, Bridgerton is an American historical-romance television series and is Shondaland’s first scripted show for Netflix. It is based on Julia Quinn’s...
Created by Jeb Stuart, Vikings: Valhalla is a historical drama series made for Netflix. Stuart is also the executive producer alongside Morgan O’Sullivan, Michael Hirst, Sheila...
Created by Chris Van Dusen, Bridgerton is an American historical-romance television series and is Shondaland’s first scripted show for Netflix. It is based on Julia Quinn’s...
Developed by Ronald D. Moore, Outlander is a historical drama series based on the novel series of the same name by Diana Gabaldon. Moore is also...
Created by Katharina Eyssen, and Lena Stahl, The Empress is a 2022 German historical drama series. The show is based on the life of Empress Elisabeth...
Created by Jeb Stuart, Vikings: Valhalla is a historical drama series made for Netflix. Stuart is also the executive producer alongside Morgan O’Sullivan, Michael Hirst, Sheila...
Developed by Ronald D. Moore, Outlander is a historical drama series based on the novel series of the same name by Diana Gabaldon. Moore is also...
Created by Katharina Eyssen, and Lena Stahl, The Empress is a 2022 German historical drama series. The show is based on the life of Empress Elisabeth...