Star Trek: Discovery is a television series created by Bryan Fuller and Alex Kurtzman for CBS All Access. The series was launched in the year 2017...
9-1-1: An American Procedural television series created by Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk, and Tim Minear, “9-1-1” explores the high-pressure experiences of the first responders(police officers, firefighters,...
Tough as Nails is a reality competition television series that premiered on 8th July 2020 on CBS. Tough as Nails is hosted by Phil Keoghan and...
Big Brother is an American reality game show. It is based on the Dutch TV series of the same name that has been created by producer...
The Walking Dead is a post-apocalyptic horror television and it is based on the comic book series of the same name by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore,...
Twenties is a single-camera comedy series and it has been created by Lena Waithe. The first season of the show premiered on BET on 4th March...
Tyler Perry’s The Oval is a prime time television soap opera produced for BET. The show has been created, written and directed by Tyler Perry and...
Tyler Perry’s Sistas is a comedy-drama series airing on BET. The show has been created and written by Tyler Perry and he is also the executive...
Dr. Phil is a popular talk show created by Oprah Winfrey and hosted by Phil McGraw. McGraw earned huge popularity with his segments in “The Oprah...
Blood & Treasure is an action adventure drama television series. The series has been created by Matthew Federman and Stephen Scaia. The show premiered on 21st...