Servant is a psychological horror television series. The show has been created and written by Tony Basgallop and he is also the executive producer of the...
American musical adult animated sitcom Central Park has been created for Apple TV+ by Loren Bouchard, Nora Smith and Josh Gad. The first season premiered on...
“Celebrity Wheel of Fortune”, created by Merv Griffin takes a new spin on the iconic game show “Wheel of Fortune” with the primetime debut of America’s...
American comedy television series Dickinson is about Emily Dickinson. The show has been created by Alena Smith and has been made for Apple TV+. Hailee Steinfield...
American science fiction television series For All Mankind has been made for Apple TV+. The series has been created and written by Ronald D. Moore, Matt...
The Morning Show premiered on 1st November 2019 on Apple TV+. It is an American drama television series and it is inspired by the book “Top...
See is an American science fiction drama series made for Apple TV+. The show has been written by Steve Knight and directed by Francis Lawrence. The...
Mythic Quest is a comedy television series that has been made for Apple TV+. The first season made its premiere on 7th February 2020 and it...
Amazon Prime Video’s satirical superhero television series ‘The Boys’ has been well-received by the audience as well as critics. The show has been developed by Eric...
The sensitive issues needs a lot of courage to be shown on screen. Davil Weil has been able to do that with his first TV show...