American drama streaming television series ‘The Wilds’ has been created by Sarah Streicher for Amazon Prime Video and follows a group of teenage girls who are...
Amazon Prime Video’s critically acclaimed series ‘Modern Love’ has been renewed for a second season. So, as die-hard fans of the show, you should put more...
The television adaptation of ‘The Lord of the Rings’ is on the way to Amazon Prime Video. Amazon Studios made a huge deal of $250 million...
Bosch Season 7 which is the final season of the series in on the way and will be released on Amazon Prime Video. It is an...
Punky Power is back! The Punky Brewster reboot on Peacock TV is a sequel series to the beloved ’80s sitcom. Soleil Moon Frye returns as a grown-up...
Tuca & Bertie has been able to find a huge fan base in terms of being a popular American adult animated sitcom. It has been created...
Fans of the American neo-noir genre have surely loved the first season of Carnival Row and now the fans have been waiting for the second season....
Popular American television game show Wheel of Fortune originally made its debut in 1975. The series is created by Merv Griffin and it features a competition...
Popular American television game show Jeopardy! has been created by Merv Griffin. The concept of the show is considered very unique in comparison to other game...
The 7th season of Bachelor in Paradise didn’t arrive in 2020 because of difficulties and restrictions in filming as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. But now...