Written by Yoshiki Watabe, Yasuko Kuramitsu and Shinsuke Sato, Alice in Borderland is a 2020 Japanese science fiction thriller drama streaming television series. It is based...
Is Attack on Titan coming back with its 4th season? If yes, when? Yet us find out about ‘Attack on Titan’ Season 4: Release Date and...
Monster Musume, The Japanese manga series that have been written by okayado is a Japanese show, that had its debut in 2015, being among the top...
Ainori Love wagon also called Love Ride in Japan is a Japanese original reality tv-series that debuted in the 1990s. The show is a reality tv...
‘Drifters’ is a Japanese fantasy-thriller anime based on the manga of the same name. The serialization of the manga started in a local magazine Shonen Gahosha....