Created by Chris Coelen, Love Is Blind is a dating reality television series that premiered on Netflix on February 13,…
Love Is Blind is a dating reality television series created by Chris Coelen and produced by Kinetic Content. It was…
Hello, Reader! We've been invited to another Love is Blind reunion special on Netflix, and we can't wait to sit…
Love Is Blind is a romantic reality television show developed by Kinetic Content and directed by Chris Coelen. It was…
Netflix recently announced that it will be renewing 'Love Is Blind' for a second season. The show which is a…
“LoVe iS bLiNd” cries the man who got rejected when he wore his Batman mask on the FIRST DATE (haha, What?…
The TV dating reality show 'Love Is Blind' got a good reception for its first season. The show is now…
When you are single and a show offers you a chance to find your love, it is no less than…