Written by Shinya Umemura and illustrated by Ajichika, Record of Ragnarok is a Japanese manga series. It began in Coamix’s seinen manga magazine Monthly Comic Zenon...
Written by Eiichi Shimizu, Ultraman is a Japanese manga series. It is part of the Ultraman franchise and a manga sequel to the 1966 television series....
Written by Yabako Sandrovich, Kengan Ashura is a Japanese manga series. The series first premiered on July 31, 2019. The first 12-episode part premiered in July...
Written by Eiichi Shimizu, Ultraman is a Japanese manga series. It is part of the Ultraman franchise and a manga sequel to the 1966 television series....
Written by Shinya Umemura and illustrated by Ajichika, Record of Ragnarok is a Japanese manga series. It began in Coamix’s seinen manga magazine Monthly Comic Zenon...
Attack on Titan, The Japanese manga series that have been written and illustrated by Hajime Isayama is now back for another season soon. Being set in...
Beastars, The Japanese manga series that have been written as well as illustrated by Paru Itagaki revolves around a modern, civilized as well as anthropomorphic animals...
Monster Musume, The Japanese manga series that have been written by okayado is a Japanese show, that had its debut in 2015, being among the top...
Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac, is an anime show which is based on the manga of the same name. It is was initially written in...
Japanese manga is always attractive. Eiichiro Oda’s beautiful manga One Piece is a step further. Outselling famous comics like Dragon Ball, Golgo 13, and Naruto which...