Hello, Readers! America: The Motion Picture is a 2021 adult animated science fiction parody-comedy film directed by Matt Thompson and written by Dave Callaham, partly based...
Zack Snyder’s Justice League is an upcoming American superhero movie in 2021. Also called the “Synder’s cut” is an upcoming director’s cut of the 2017 Justice...
Fast Furious 9 is an upcoming American action drama based movie in 2021. The movie is the ninth addition to the Fast & Furious franchise. Also,...
Morbius is an upcoming American superhero film based on the famous Marvel character of the same name. Columbia Pictures in association with Marvel has produced this...
Tomb Raider 2 is an action-adventure film. Roar Uthaug directed the film, with the screenplay by Geneva Robertson and Alastair Siddons. The film is made on...
Written and directed by Jarand Herdal, Cadaver is an upcoming Netflix Original film, it is the first-ever Norwegian film to be networked by Netflix. The film is an absolute blend...
Directed by Tate Taylor (The Girl on the Train) and written by Matthew Newton (Who We Are Now), Ava is a 2020 American action thriller movie. It is...
Directed, written and produced by Sean Durkin, The Nest is a 2020 thriller movie. After the premiere of the movie at the Sundance Film Festival, it...
Directed by Joe Mantello The Boys in the Band is an upcoming 2020 Netflix original movie which is an adaptation of the 1968 classic LGBTQ+ stage...
Directed by two-time Academy Award-nominee Tomm Moore(The Secret of Kells, Song of the Sea) and Ross Stewart, Wolfwalkers, is an upcoming animated adventure movie. The film is all...