Created by Chris Van Dusen, Bridgerton is a period drama series made for Netflix. Dusen is also the executive producer alongside Shonda Rhimes, Betsy Beers, and...
Created and directed by Kondzilla, Sintonia is a Brazilian crime teen drama streaming television series that premiered on Netflix on August 9, 2019. The series is...
Directed by Shinsuke Sato, Alice in Borderland is a 2020 Japanese science fiction thriller drama streaming television series. It is based on the manga of the...
Created by Andreas Heckmann, Arne Nolting, and Jan Martin Scharf, Barbarians is a 2020 German historical war drama television series. The series premiered on October 23,...
Created by Brian Young, Fate: The Winx Saga is a supernatural teen drama television series. Based on the Nickelodeon animated series Winx Club, the series premiered...
Created by Chun Sung-il, Lee Jae-kyoo, and Kim Nam-Su, All of Us Are Dead is a South Korean coming-of-age zombie apocalypse horror streaming television series. Based...
Created by Josh Pate, Jonas Pate, and Shannon Burke, Outer Banks is an action-adventure mystery teen drama streaming television series. Josh, Jonas, and Shannon are also...
Written by Yabako Sandrovich, Kengan Ashura is a Japanese manga series. The series first premiered on July 31, 2019. The first 12-episode part premiered in July...
Created by Aaron Ehasz and Justin Richmond, The Dragon Prince is a fantasy computer-animated streaming television series. It first premiered on September 14, 2018, on Netflix....
Down to Earth with Zac Efron is an American web documentary series, narrated by Efron himself. It first aired on Netflix on July 10, 2020. The...