Created by Luke Pearson, Hilda is an animated streaming television series. It is based on the graphic novel series of the same name by Pearson, who...
Created by Christian Linke and Alex Yee, Arcane is an animated action-adventure show available on Netflix. It is produced by Fortiche under the supervision of Riot...
Written by Eiichi Shimizu, Ultraman is a Japanese manga series. It is part of the Ultraman franchise and a manga sequel to the 1966 television series....
Created by Waco O’Guin and Roger Black, Paradise PD is an American animation animated sitcom. The executive producers o the show include Waco O’Guin, Roger Black,...
Created by Andrew Goldberg, Nick Kroll, Mark Levin and Jennifer Flackett, Big Mouth is an American adult animated coming-of-age sitcom. A spin-off series titled Human Resources...
Created by Aaron Ehasz and Justin Richmond, The Dragon Prince is a fantasy computer-animated streaming television series. Ehasz and Richmond are also the executive producer alongside...
Developed by Ashley Edward Miller, DOTA: Dragon’s Blood is an adult animated epic fantasy streaming television series. It is based on Dota 2, a 2013 MOBA...
Developed by Dave Wasson, The Cuphead Show! is an animated musical slapstick streaming television series. Based on the 2017 Canadian video game Cuphead by Studio MDHR,...
Developed by Dave Wasson, The Cuphead Show! is an animated musical slapstick streaming television series. It is based on the 2017 Canadian video game Cuphead by...
Developed by Rob Doherty and Scott Sonneborn, Angry Birds: Summer Madness is an animated children’s streaming television series. Based on the Angry Birds franchise by Rovio...